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						ИЗВЕЩАТЕЛЬ ПЛАМЕНИ <br />  ИП329-330 ТЕЛОС
Price from: 750 USD
Type of protection
  • VZ (0ExiaIIBT6Ga)
  • MK (1ExdIIBT6Gb)
You choosed:
  • Type of protection

  • Housing material

  • Address label

  • Cable gland

The detector is designed to detect fires accompanied by the appearance of electromagnetic radiation simultaneously in the ultraviolet and infrared spectral ranges and to send a "Fire" notification to the control panel.The use of the IR and UV parts of the spectrum eliminates false alarms of the detector.The detector meets the requirements of GOST R 53325-2012.The detector is used in installations for fire protection of buildings, structures, premises and equipment in open areas.The list of typical production premises, technological processes, for the protection of which the product is used:

  • Industrial buildings with production and storage:
    wood products, synthetic resins, synthetic fibers, polymeric materials, textile, textile haberdashery, clothing, footwear, leather, tobacco, fur and pulp and paper products, celluloid, rubber, rubber products, combustible X-ray and film films, cotton, varnishes, paints , solvents, flammable liquids, flammable liquids, lubricants, chemical reagents, alcoholic beverages, alkali metals, metal powders, flour, compound feed, other products and materials emitting dust;
  • Industrial buildings with production:
    paper, cardboard, wallpaper, livestock and poultry products;
  • Industrial buildings with storage:
    non-combustible materials in combustible packaging, solid combustible materials;
  • Special structures:
    premises of car service enterprises.

The detectors are produced in versions differing in: type of explosion protection; body material; the presence of an address label (see.(see table 1 in the "Characteristics" tab).Explosion protection types: "flameproof enclosure" d "" and "intrinsically safe electrical circuit" ia "". Explosion protection marking, respectively: 1Ex d IIC T6 Gb X / Ex tb IIIC T85 ° C Db X and 0Ex ia IIC T6 Ga X / Ex ia IIIC T85 ° C Da X according to GOST R IEC 60079-0-2011.The "X" mark in the marking means: do not expose the light-transmitting part to mechanical stress.Body material: aluminum alloy; Cink Steel; stainless steel.

For the version "intrinsically safe electrical circuit" ia "" marking of explosion protection parameters: "Li: 1mkHn, Ci: 1000pF, Ui: 28B, Ii: 70mA, Pi: 2W" according to GOST R IEC 60079-11-2011.

The detectors in the version with the address label can be used with the controller of the two-wire communication line "S2000-KDL" or "S2000-KDL-2I" as part of the integrated security system "Orion".Detailed information on the use of address expanders and the use of the Orion integrated security system can be found on the manufacturer's website

The detector is designed for operation at ambient temperatures from minus 60 ° С to plus 75 ° С, type of climatic modification UHL1 in accordance with GOST 15150-69.The degree of protection of the shell is IP67 in accordance with GOST 14254.Placement category 1 according to GOST 15150-69.

Versions of detectors series IP329 / 330 Telos

Table 1.

DesignationBody materialExplosion protection type
IP329 / 330-310.3-1 Telos MK-S (-AM)Cink SteelPB Ex d I Mb X / 1Ex d IIС T6 Gb X / Ex tb IIIC T85 ° C Db X
IP329 / 330-310.3-1 Telos MK-N (-AM)Stainless steelPB Ex d I Mb X / 1Ex d IIС T6 Gb X / Ex tb IIIC T85 ° C Db X
IP329 / 330-310.2-1 Telos VZ-N (-AM)Stainless steelPO Ex ia I Ma X / 0Ex ia IIC T6 Ga X / Ex ia IIIC T85 ° C Da X
IP329 / 330-310.3-1 Telos MK-A (-AM)Aluminium alloyPB Ex d I Mb X / 1Ex d IIС T6 Gb X / Ex tb IIIC T85 ° C Db X
IP329 / 330-310.2-1 Telos VZ-A (-AM)Aluminium alloyPO Ex ia I Ma X / 0Ex ia IIC T6 Ga X / Ex ia IIIC T85 ° C Da X


Table 2.

Spectral sensitivity, nm.IR4300
Uv185 - 260
Detection range of test foci, m, not lessTP-5 (N-heptane)25
TP-6 (ethyl alcohol)25
Viewing angle, degreesIR90
Response time, sec.IRten
Direct light resistance, not less lux.incandescent lamps250
fluorescent lamps2500
Resistance to optical radiation in the visible range of the spectrum, no more, lux.80,000
Supply voltage, V.8 - 28
Consumption current, no more, mA.without heatingtwenty
Characteristics of the Sh1 and Sh2 optocoupler relays.maximum voltage, V, not more100
maximum current, mA, not more100
open resistance, Ohm, no more16
isolation voltage, V, not less1500
Address label interfaceDPLS v2.xx "Orion"
Ready time after power supply, no more, sec.45
The diameter of the cable to be inserted, mm.8 - 12
Section of the connected conductors, mm 2 .0.35 - 1.5
Operating temperature range, ° С-60 - +75
Sheath protectionIP67
Climatic performanceUHL1
Overall dimensions, mm.334x271x116
Weight, no more, kg.3.5

AM - indicates the presence of a modification of the product with an address label.

An example of a detector designation when ordering:

IP329 / 330 .310.3-1 Telos
- MK -WITH- AM -Kv



  1. Device type;
  2. Explosion protection designation:
    • MK - PB Ex d I Mb X / 1Ex d IIС T6 Gb Х / Ex tb IIIC T85 ° C Db X;
    • ВЗ - PO Ex ia I Ma X / 0Ex ia IIC T6 Ga X / Ex ia IIIC T85 ° C Da X
  3. Case material:
    • A - aluminum alloy;
    • C - galvanized steel;
    • H - stainless steel;
  4. The presence of an address label:
    • no label (default) - no label;
    • AM - the presence of an address label DPLS (address system "Orion");
  5. Cable gland type:
    • K - for open laying of cables with a diameter of 6.5-13.9 mm;
    • B - for an armored cable with a through diameter of 6.5-13.9 mm;
    • Т-1/2 - for laying a cable with a diameter of 6.5-13.9 mm in a pipe with a connecting thread G1 / 2;
    • Т-3/4 - for laying a cable with a diameter of 6.5-13.9 mm in a pipe with a connecting thread G3 / 4;
    • KM10 - for a cable with a diameter of 3.1-8.6 mm in a metal hose RZTsKh-10mm;
    • KM12 - for a cable with a diameter of 3.1-8.6 mm in a metal hose RZTsKh-12mm;
    • KM15 - for a cable with a diameter of 6.1-11.7 mm in a metal hose RZTsKh-15mm;
    • KM20 - for a cable with a diameter of 6.5-13.9 mm in a metal hose RZTsKh-20mm.


  • SMD Company LLC
  • 445009, Samarskay obl.,
  • Togliatty,
  • st. Novozavodskaya 2a, build. 309
  • Аккредитация URS ISO 9001
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